The Old Coot is an
By Merlin Lessler.
I was in a donut shop the
other morning. It's a great place to observe human nature in action. I'm there
every Sunday, to sip coffee and consume the one jelly donut I limit myself to
each week. I sit there and read the book review section in the weekend edition
of the Wall Street Journal. I'm often distracted by interplay between customers
and employees. This particular one has well trained, friendly servers, in sharp
contrast to the attitudes of some of the customers, who come in, in a sleepy,
grouchy mood. By the time they leave, they are usually in good spirits. From the intake of sugar, the stimulus of
caffeine and also because of the cheery atmosphere created by the staff and
especially the “hands-on” manager.
She can fix any problem. For
instance, I'd placed my order in my car, on my phone, for indoor pick-up. That
way, it's sitting there waiting for me when I walk in. I grabbed the bag with
my donuts inside, the container of coffee and sat down at my favorite table. I
sipped; I read; I eavesdropped. I sipped; I read; I eavesdropped, with my eyes
focused on a book review. I reached into the bag, pulled out my donut and took
a bite. It wasn't the jelly donut I'd craved. It was a glazed donut. A good
donut, but not jelly. I went to the counter and explained my misfortune. The
manager didn't blink an eye. She reached into the donut rack and handed me a
jelly. She said she was sorry. I said I was sorry that I'd taken a bite without
looking. She laughed, and told me to enjoy them both.
Here's where I step into it!
Commenting on the difference between men and women. On scant, unscientific
evidence I learned from observing people ordering a dozen donuts. I didn’t set
out to do this, but I overheard a man order a dozen donuts in a rapid fire
manner. “I’ll have two glazed, two jelly, four chocolate frosted, two Boston
cream, and two old fashion.” Bing, bang, boom, done! A few minutes later, an
adult woman stepped to the counter, also to order a dozen donuts. “Let me have
a jelly one.” Then, after a pause. “No, forget the jelly. Let me see. How about
Boston cream? I love them; what’s your favorite?” Then, another pause. “I’ll
have a glazed. How many do I have left?” Then she ordered a jelly. Well, you
see how it went, and that’s before she fumbled around in her purse for her
It's not the first time I’ve
witnessed this scene. It’s an example of the “Men are from Mars; Women are from
Venus phenomenon. My data sample is not statistically valid, but it’s what I
observe, again and again. Enough times to produce an opinion and brace myself
to be called a male chauvinist pig. That’s what happens when you’re an old
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