Old Coot is on the move.
Merlin Lessler
was on a cruise ship recently. It went from Fort Lauderdale to Barbados with 4
stops in between. Approximately 3000 nautical miles. (1 nautical mile equals
6,076 feet, in case you didn’t know, like me). I think I put on a similar
mileage going from our cabin in the back end of the ship, to the theater for
shows in the front, and back to the dining room in the aft.
that’s not the only place I racked up the miles. I did a like amount riding the
elevators, from our floor, nine, to fourteen for breakfast and lunch, back to
twelve for the pool. Up and down, down and up: floor five for coffee, floor ten
to the library and puzzle room, down to the gangway on two, 800 steps to a bus
or cab when in port, or three times that much to walk into town. I’m not
complaining, just commenting. Actually, my Fitbit went nuts counting steps; it
must have wondered if someone had stolen it and was on the run.
mileage added up the most. I don’t like elevators in general, and those on cruise
ships in particular. I once got stuck between floors on a cruise ship in a
storm with high seas. The boat was rocking; there I was, stuck with the door
open, the floor above was at waist high level. Should I try to scamper up and
get out? What if I did and the elevator started to move? It goes so fast I’d be
cut in half. So, I sat and waited. An hour or so later, the maintenance crew
got me out.
don’t know what floors I was between; it couldn’t have been between twelve and
thirteen. There is no floor thirteen on a ship. (Or, in a hotel and most other
tall buildings.) Superstition over the number thirteen! Really? In what we call our enlightened modern age. Whenever
I went to fourteen for breakfast I laughed at the lights ticking off the
floors: nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen.
I’d comment to other passengers, “What happened to the thirteenth
floor?” Someone always explained why
that was, that it was superstition. That gave me my morning chuckle. My stupid
question was never met with silence. It’s what old coots do, let ourselves look
stupid because we no longer care what other people think.
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