Old Coot misses the rotten tomato era.
Merlin Lessler
once were blessed with an effective (and fun) mechanism to express our opinion
of politicians. Even, a Broadway performance, or anyone making a public appearance.
It was the “Rotten Tomato Era.” A political hack, laying it on thick, could
expect to be showered with a barrage of rotten tomatoes. It was such fun to
deal with politicians in those days. Sometimes, a voter would run up to the
podium and introduce a banana cream pie to the gas bag’s face. Actors and
actresses, which for some reason, (I never got the memo), we now are forced to call
actors, could also expect a showering of rotten vegetables from the audience
when their performance was severely lacking.
anymore! Our right to free “rotten tomato” speech is a criminal offense. To
even touch another person without their permission, can get you arrested and
charged with disorderly conduct or assault. We’ve lost such a delightful free
speech mechanism. Yet, we still do it mentally, at least I do, every time I watch
the news and hear a bloated bunch of malarky from a corporate executive,
politician or even an advertisement that I know is a lie. It makes you wonder what
happened to the truth in advertising rules that were enacted five decades ago?
The consumer protection czar is asleep at the wheel and most certainly deserves
a pie in the face.
what about the American Bar Association? It once restricted its members from
advertising their wares. It was a matter of professional ethics. That tradition
sure has evaporated. The members who run the ABA deserve a double, whip cream
pie in the face, along with the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies. Can you imagine
how nice TV watching would be without ads from ambulance chasing lawyers and drug
pushing corporations. Ads, that consume ten minutes of every 30 minute time
slot. Sometimes the best way forward is to go back. It sure would be nice to
get those rotten tomatoes moving once again.
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