Saturday, October 14, 2017

October 11, 2017 Article

The Old Coot can say, “You’re welcome.”
Bb Merlin Lessler

We’ve forgotten how (and when) to say, “You’re welcome.” No, this isn’t another rant about the “younger folk” replacing, “You’re welcome,” with, “No problem.” I beat that horse to death a few years back and have come to terms with it, despite cringing a little when I’m on the receiving end: I wonder if I would have gotten the service I’m thanking them for if it was the least bit of a problem. Enough said; on to today’s “You’re welcome” issue.

I hear, or actually don’t hear it, from a lot of people. It’s especially prevalent when a reporter on TV or radio has managed to get someone to come on the air and discuss some current issue. At the end of the session, the reporter thanks the person for answering their questions (though, if it’s a politician they rarely get any real answers, just a wind bag exhibition that goes on and on so long the reporter forgot what the question was.)  At any rate, most interviewees get a well-deserved, “Thank you,” and most of the time reply with, “Thank you.” Not, “You’re welcome.” I get it, when it comes from a politician; he or she should be saying, “Thank you,” since the reporter let them get away with murder. But, most everyone else responds to a thank you from the reporter at the end of an interview by also saying “Thank you.” I’d fall out of my chair if I ever heard them simply say, “You’re welcome.”

Now where do I go with this? It’s a small complaint and I’ve made my point; watch TV or listen to a radio interview and you’ll see what I mean, but there is no sense in continuing to crab about such a minor issue. I’ll switch to another issue, the opposite of the “You’re welcome” equation, the people who can’t, “Thank you.” Not because they aren’t appreciative, but rather, because they are overwhelmed with appreciation. You know the type. We all know the type, and probably have done our fair share of it ourselves: responding to someone’s generosity or gift giving, with – Oh, you shouldn’t have! – I can’t accept this; it’s way too much – Oh my gosh! This is insane! - I’m so sorry; I didn’t get you anything. It’s hard, apparently, to just say, “Thank you!” If you’ve read all the way to this point and haven’t torn the paper to shreds, all I can say is, “Thank you.” 

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