The Old Coot is Going Deaf.
By Merlin Lessler
An oldie but a goodie.
It’s been in the closet for 7 years; time to let it out again.
My hearing is going to pot! And, it’s not an old age thing
either. I figured out what’s causing it. Hand dryers! The kind you find in
public restrooms. Usually with a sign extolling the advantages of electric
dryers over paper towels. “They save paper (natural resources) and prevent the
spread of germs.” Bull! It’s cheaper. Plain and simple! I hate these things.
Their whine is so high-pitched it damages your hearing. I can’t hear the croak
of bullfrogs or the honking of geese because that section of my hearing range
has been wiped out. These torture machines are especially hard on old coots.
We’re exposed to the noise a lot more than normal humans because our bladders
have the same capacity as a ten-dollar bottle of eye drops, half an ounce. It’s
a defect in the genetic code. When we sign up for Social Security, the old-coot
gene kicks in. It shrinks our bladders, makes our joints creaky, our eyes
itchy. The latter is why I know the cost of a smidgen of eye drop solution; I
buy a lot of it. People complain about the price of gas but it’s nothing
compared to the price of eye drops. Do the math: a one-half ounce bottle is
$10. It takes 256 bottles to make a gallon, bringing the cost to over $2,500.
And we worry about gas companies ripping us off!
Old coots spend half their time in public rest rooms, drying
their hands. We’re acutely aware of how lousy these torture machines are. We
wash our hands and get in line for the dryer. It’s a long wait. The guy at the
head of the line pushes the button and starts the process. It takes a full
minute to dry his hands in the luke warm air that screams from the nozzle. Most
men don’t have the patience to wait their turn. They take one look at the old
guys in line, shrug in disgust, wipe their hands on their shirts and walk out.
Old coots can’t. If we don’t dry our hands they get so chapped we have to buy
Corn Huskers lotion by the gallon. Medicare doesn’t cover eye drops; it doesn’t
cover Corn Husker’s. We’d go bankrupt if we skipped the hand dryer.
Every once in a while, I forget what I’m doing in a public
rest room and splash water on my face. That’s usually when I discover the dryer
only blows in one direction. Straight down! I can’t swivel the nozzle to get
the air to blow toward my face. I get down on my knees, tilt my head toward the
ceiling, lift my hands to direct the flow of air to my face and close my eyes
so they don’t dry out. People entering the rest room take one look at this
praying spectacle and run for their lives. Eventually, I get dried off and
leave the place. A few more sections of my hearing get damaged. Now, it’s not
just the croaks and honks of frogs and geese that are lost to me. I also can no
longer hear the sound of someone saying, “Hey! It’s so good to see you! You
look so young and healthy!” At least I think that’s what happened, because I
never hear it anymore.
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