The Old Coot is an at the finish.
By Merlin Lessler
Emma Sedore suggested I write an Old Coot article about
people who finish your sentences. (As a public service!) I have to agree; it is
irritating when someone does _______(1). Especially, when the finisher is
correct 80% of the _______(2). It means the speaker is so obvious in where the
sentence is going that anyone can see through it, cut to the chase and finish
it _______(3), while we like to think
of ourselves as so clever and insightful, that the listener is hanging onto our
every _________(4).
When my crowd (old coots) get together, we all are guilty of
this sentence finishing social faux pas. We have to be! The speaker often
forgets where he is going with his sentence and starts groping for the end
point in a desperate effort to pull it from the cobwebs in his mind. We give
him a chance, but eventually take pity and supply the ending. In this
situation, finishing someone’s sentence is a kindness.
The rest of the time though, it’s just plain rude! It shows
a lack of patience and tolerance for those of us on the lower end of the
humanoid species, just because we struggle a little to make a succinct point.
It’s showing off, when a sentence finisher does this, a lame attempt to prove
they are smarter than we are. If they really were smarter, they would avoid us
altogether. But, they don’t; they swoop in and finish our sentences. We are
tired of it!
So, if you are a sentence finisher, you have been warned.
Proceed at your own risk! Those of us whose sentences you are finishing, are
not going to put up with it any ___. (If you thought you could end that
sentence with “longer” you are wrong. The ending is “more.”) We’re going to
change the ending to every sentence to prove you _______. (If you tried to finish
the sentence with “wrong,” you are in error. The ending is “have no manners.”)
You can try to finish our sentences all you want. We’ll prove you wrong every
time. End of _______(5)!
Footnotes: 1 = this, 2 = time, 3 = off, 4 = word, 5 =
Score your sentence finishing ability: 1 or 2 right, welcome
to old coot world. - 3 right, big deal you’re only slightly better than an old
coot. - 4 or more right; go to a Mensa meeting and see how you do, but leave
our sentences alone!
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