Friday, December 8, 2023

The Old Coot doesn't believe book jacket's lies. Article # 1,057 published 12/06/23

 The Old Coot pans book jackets.

By Merlin lessler

 If you are a reader like me, or if you buy books for others, you are confronted with the old adage: “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” Although, I’m forced to admit, a good cover catches your eye. Lures you in to have a look. There is usually a blurb (sales pitch) about the author.  Often, with a mug shot, to pull you in further.

 Inside the front cover is an intro to the story line. The back cover is “Blurb City.” Highly enticing adjectives – “Suspenseful!” – “A mystery that will have you gasping!”  - “The first time the secrets to a successful Internet business are revealed!”  - “Funny!” – “Hilarious!” – “You’ll fall out of your chair laughing!”

This overzealous promotion is followed by a collection of positive comments from famous authors, Stephen King for example. He wades in on horror books. I’ve never found his comments to match what I experienced when I’ve followed his recommendation.

 You get less of a sales pitch when you shop on-line for an e-book or a Kindle book. Eventually, it dawns on you; those positive blurbs don’t hold up any more than a politician’s promise. Or, Big Pharma’s promise of great health, if you just open wide and swallow, first the sales pitch, and then the pill.

 I chuckle at all this hoop-la when I look for a book. But, even I’m guilty of it. I published a novella (short novel) a few years back, “Mystery on South Mountain.” It was on sale at the Riverow Book Store in Owego, New York until the supply sold out. It’s only available now as a Kindle Book, priced at $2.99. I checked the listing after I wrote the first draft of this article, to see if I was as guilty as other writers. I was. My blurb claims the storyline is comparable to the movie, “Stand by Me,” (which, incidentally, was based on Stephen King’s short story, “The Body.”) My promo is somewhat of an exaggeration, especially since I sent a copy to Rob Riener, the producer of “Stand by Me,” and haven’t heard a thing. Don’t expect it to open in a theater near you anytime soon.  

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