I like music. It doesn’t
dominate my life but there are many songs I enjoy every day and more and more
every year. But not Rap, or polkas. I just can’t get on board. There is one
song I hate. I hear it a lot. Whenever I get to a venue while the band is
setting up.
It goes like this, “Check,
check one, two, three - Check, check, one, two, three.” One verse would be
fine, but most bands go through that single stanza time after time. It takes a
lot of checking. I’ve asked the singers of that tune if they ever thought of
trying different lyrics and mix them in. Like, “Test, test, A,B,C - Test, test
Alan Bob Chuck.” That’s my crude suggestion; it’s most often ignored. I just
hoped I could spark a bit of their musical creativity to come up with a
different “Checking” protocol.
It’s why I prefer bands
with acoustic instruments. A lot less check, checking. They just tune their
guitars and play. They do something else that I’m partial to - their volume
doesn’t blast me out of the room. I’m told to get over it - it’s an old
person’s complaint. But I’ve discovered that people of all ages have the same issue.
They want background music that lets them carry on a conversation, not force
them to shout and say, Huh,” over and over. Let loud music be the thing for
concerts and let customers in a bar or restaurant, expecting background music,
have the last word on the volume. It could happen if the band said, “Check,
Check, Alan Bob Chuck. And, then let Alan, Bob or Chuck in the audience, decide
if it’s too loud.
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