The Old Coot’s at war.
By Merlin Lessler
I can relate to the war
between Ukraine and Russia, in a way only an old coot can. I’m Ukraine and
Father Time is Russia. America is the team of medical specialists, helping me
withstand the onslaught. I’m bombed and attacked from the north, south, east
and west. It’s a blitzkrieg that I face. One sector gets settled – my sore
elbow repulses the attack and the Russians go after another with a missile raid,
attacking the knuckles in my right hand, flaring up the once dormant arthritis.
My knuckles are the focus of my attention and continue to ache because I use that
hand all the time, to swing a hammer or a golf club, untwist the top on a jar or
turn a screw driver. Though, it does come in handy when asked to perform an
unpleasant task. “I’d love to help, but the arthritis in my hand is so bad I
can’t.” Or, to explain why my golf ball went into the woods.
When my hand is under siege,
I get no help from America, except to be told to take a pill and ease up on
gripping things. Then, Russia takes advantage of my preoccupation and starts
bombing my knee. Making me limp and yell, “Ouch,” at every misstep. My hopes of
getting aid from America are dashed when they say, “We can replace the knee, it
is bone on bone after all.” But I don’t want a replaced knee, not yet, anyhow,
so I shrug and say, “No thanks,” and work on it myself, with an elastic sleeve
and PT exercises.
But the Russians aren’t done
with me. They go after the north quadrant, hitting me with red, itchy eye that
feels like a speck of metal is stuck in it. America comes through this time
with some defensive weaponry, a bottle of high-quality eye drop medication. In
a few days, I’ve pushed back the Russian assault. All is calm in the north.
Then, they bomb my memory, agility, balance and reflexes. My weakest sectors. But
that’s where their air attack stalls. I can cope with the damage, but it looks
like a long war ahead with no treaty in sight. That’s OK. I’ve prepared for
this war all my life.
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