The Old Coot goes wool gathering.
By Merlin Lessler
Here's an interesting mental exercise to undertake. I
recommend it highly. It helps put things into perspective. An interesting
journey of introspection. Here’s mine.
Seventy-nine years ago, as I write this, my mother was in
her last two weeks of pregnancy with me, wondering when her baby would “pop out.”
Would it be a boy or a girl? Would it be healthy? Would this world war ever
come to an end? Little did she know, that in two weeks, on a Sunday night, at 2
in the morning, a future old coot was to be unleashed on the world. Little did
that unborn baby know, that decades later, he would be walking around town with
a messenger bag over his shoulder, a notebook and pen at the ready, a walking
stick in his hand and reflecting on life on the cusp of entering his 80th year.
That about to be born baby, had no idea what lay ahead, a whole life of living.
No idea he’d grow from an infant into a young boy, start school, evolve to a
teenager (making all those stupid choices that the naïve do in their salad days),
moving on through life at breakneck speed, finishing high school, college and
then more college at night school, getting married, having kids, jobs, houses,
cars and the material things of life. Facing losses of family and friends.
Moving on, eventually blessed with grandkids, in double digits, extending the
family tree for another generation.
Then, retiring from the work world after 38 years, and
reinventing himself as a writer (sort of), starting off on a new venture,
stumbling along, still with only an inkling of what may loom ahead. Stepping
into one day at a time, ready for the adventure to unfold with some wisdom from
the history of life to that point, no matter how small the thimble it would
take to hold it. The ride can be a little bumpy when traveling in a vehicle
(the human body) with so darn many moving parts, never knowing which one will decide
to act up. So, on he moves, into the future, his face turned to the warmth of
the sun, knowing he’s privileged to be on this journey at all. His mission is
simple: live each day, appreciate it, enjoy it. Thus, is life. And, in my case,
taking a moment to reflect, and write this essay.
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