The Old Coot sees the
By Merlin Lessler
Evolution is a slow
process, so slow it can’t be witnessed in a human life span. After all, it’s was
“Lucy’s” fossil remains that revealed the transition from knuckle dragger to
upright walking that took place some 3.2 million years ago. Walking upright was
one of two major requirements essential to the development of the human species.
A large brain was the other. Lucy was off to a good start, but she had a small
head (and a small brain). Eventually, it got bigger and here we are, fully
evolved humans, pretty much as we have been for tens of thousands of years. A change
has now entered the evolutionary process, stimulating a dramatic alteration to humankind.
A thousand years from now,
archaeologists will uncover human fossil remains from this era, and learn that
the 21st century was a critical juncture in human evolution, caused
by the introduction of the smart phone. Eventually, our memories and
intellectual knowledge will be completely transferred to these electronic
devices, relieving our brains of considerable burden. Small heads, and possibly a third arm (to hold
the device while doing other things), are two of the evolutionary changes that archeologists
will pin down to the second decade of the 21st century, the decade
when the smart phone was fully adopted by societies across the planet. In just
a fraction of time, on the evolutionary scale, our species will change because
of this evolutionary stimulus.
Teenagers and young adults
were early adopters of smart phones. We elders laughed at them, sitting around
a table, texting back and forth, no longer carrying on face to face
conversations. That behavior has now gone mainstream. Even old coots like me, are
tethered to these devices. When we sit around talking, acting like we’re paying
attention, we are distracted by the phone, listening for a beep. It’s like a pistol in a gunslinger’s holster,
ready to be drawn in a flash to get a message or to fire at the web in search
of a fact that no one in the group could supply from their own head. Often, the
entire bunch races through the Internet in an attempt to be first with the
Conversations are also laced
with interruptions, as participants shove a phone in front of each other’s faces,
forcing us to look at a picture or a video about it is claimed, “You have to
see this! You’re gunna love it!” (Often we don’t)
We are all guilty of this,
we’re like 1st graders coming home from school, eager to show “Mom” what
we made in class today. We’ve also become a testy, impatient bunch. We want
things RIGHT AWAY! We send someone a text and are irritated that they don’t immediately
respond, or God forbid, don’t respond at all. It puts us in a funk.
So here we, on the cusp of
an evolutionary explosion, destined to evolve into an electro-mechanical
humanoid, who like “Lucy” walks upright and has a tiny head. You can watch it
happen right before your very eyes. But I wouldn’t worry about it, not until your
favorite hat, that fit a little too tight, drops down over your ears. Just
don’t let the surprise make you drop your phone.
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