The Old Coot avoids long talkers.
By Merlin Lessler
We all have one or two of them in our
lives: LONG TALKERS! If you don’t think you do, maybe it’s because you’re the
long talker in your circle of friends and acquaintances. Long talkers go on and
on and on. “How was the movie,” you naively ask. You don’t get a Siskel &
Ebert thumbs up or thumbs down, you get a detailed, blow-by-blow replay of the
whole film. A long talker will say, “The movie started with this big guy,
Graham, who goes to Mars to find exotic minerals to bring his daughter out of a
coma. “Mars,” you say to yourself. “This is going to be bad.” Character after
character is introduced. Event after event. Soon, you are so confused you
forgot what the long talker is even going on about. You desperately want to
kick yourself for asking in the first place.
This is when you focus
on an exit strategy. It starts with hope. You “hope” the long talker will get a
phone call. But, when he does, you discover he doesn’t let it interrupt his
“talk,” he ignores it and says, “I’ll get back to them later.” So, you “hope”
some more, wishing your phone would ring. But, it doesn’t. Then, you look
around and “hope” someone will walk in and interrupt the one-way conversation.
But, nobody does. Hope rarely works! That’s when you’re forced to switch to the
“lie” strategy: you look at your watch and say, “Oh my, it’s 9:15, I have to
get going.” It doesn’t work. The long talker acts like you didn’t say anything
and continues the marathon recitation. Three more tries, three more lies, until
you finally break free. You add a fourth lie, “I’ll catch up with you later; I
want to know how the movie turned out.”
As you hustle away, the
long talker keeps at it, yelling out more of the movie’s plot. It gets you
started on a long-term strategy, so you can avoid this situation, this person,
in the future, by walking the other way when you spot him at a distance and
installing an App on your phone that will make it ring when you squeeze it. And
most important, you’ll have at the ready, a collection of lies to help you
disengage from the clutches of a long talker, like a dentist appointment that
you’re late for, or a kid waiting to be picked up. That
sort of thing.
Short talkers can be
just as frustrating. You know the ones, the strong silent type. They are
perfectly comfortable standing next to you in total silence. You’re not. So,
you try to engage them by asking a question, “Been doing anything exciting
lately?” You get a quick, “No.” You try again, “This weather has been crazy,
hasn’t it?” – “Yes,” is all you get. You keep at it but keep getting short yes
& no responses. Sometimes just a shrug. You look around, hoping a long
talker will come by, a perfect match for a short talker. But, it doesn’t
happen. So, you lie and head for the restroom, hoping it has a window you can
climb out. Long talkers and short talkers! Quite a challenge for us medium
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