Old Coot approves this message.
Merlin Lessler
the season. The ELECTION CAMPAIGN season! Is it just starting or is it an
endless cycle? At the very least, we get six months of political ads on TV. It
started early for me this year. I was in Florida when the Governor announced
his candidacy for the U.S. Senate. I’d been a snowbird in his state for several
months at the time, one of the thousands of old coots who flock to the Sunshine
State to seek shelter from northern winters and search for the fountain of
youth that Ponce DeLeon claimed lie along the coast, a little south of where we
were staying.
Scott threw his hat in the ring, as they call it, and started an ad campaign in
earnest, saturating TV screens across the state. There he was, every hour,
every day, decked out in a plaid shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a pair of khakis,
telling us he was ready to take on Washington. Where, he claimed, “they” think
the voters work for them, but he’ll change that. He’ll go to work for us, thus
the “working clothes” costume he’d donned, replacing his usual blue suit and
power red tie, the governor costume I’m used to seeing him in. At the end of
each commercial he signed off with, “I’m Rick Scott and I approve this message.
Duh! If we see him sitting there telling us how he’ll act when he’s in the
senate, why in the world, other than in the political world, would anyone not
think he approved his very own message?
he’s not alone; they all do it, ever since one of them got criticized for a
stupid statement in an election campaign ad that came back to haunt him (it was
a him) and then pleaded the fifth, “My campaign manager approved the ad, not
me. I swear, I never saw it.”
I’m back home and the election season has started here as well. We’ll not only
have to endure an onslaught of ads as annoying as those anti-smoking ads, each will
conclude with a statement from the candidate, that he or she approves the
message. They should be forced to donate a hundred-dollars to the school district
they live in, every time they air an ad with that statement, to help educate
future voters to recognize duplicity when they see it. That’s my complaint for
the week. I approve this message! I only hope my copy checker and editor do as
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