The Old Coot is hug prepared.
By Merlin Lessler
I did an article about handshake bullies a few years ago. You
know the type; you stick out your hand and find your fingers clasped in a vice.
The bully looks at you with one of those “gotcha” grins and squeezes. You hear
your knuckles crack, feel the joints buckle and you fight with everything
you’ve got to hold back the tears and stop yourself from screaming. But,
handshakes are on the way out. Most people hug instead. Even old coots, who
came to the game late. We felt awkward at first. We didn’t know how to go about
it, where to put our heads. A handshake was easy, firm grip and look the person
in the eye (and, watch out for the handshake bully). But a hug? There is no
steady eye contact, just a quick glance. Otherwise, you’ll bang heads. And, it
takes a while to learn to go left, to avoid a concussion.
Unfortunately, the handshake bully hasn’t gone away, he’s
evolved. Now he’s a “hug” bully. Just before the hug, he grins, then comes the
big squeeze. Of boa constrictor proportions. Your vertebrae crack louder than
when a chiropractor performs a manipulation. Soon, you are out of breath. The
bully squeezes so hard you can’t inhale. Finally, he lets go. And, you get the
grin again. (And, you remember to put his face in your “don’t hug this guy”
It’s bad enough for us old coots. It’s worse for women. They
have to deal with “inappropriate” huggers. They have a different “don’t hug”
file. I’ll leave it at that. I’ve developed a few defensive moves; I like my
ribs where they are, outside my lungs. My vertebrae too. They may curve a
little, giving me that old man posture, but they all line up pretty good. When
a hug bully approaches me with open arms, I step back and say, “Don’t hurt me.”
That usually works, His hug is dialed back. If it doesn’t, a sloppy wet kiss on
the cheek will get him to let go. That is when he gets the grin from me, for a
change. It’s like a tap in a wrestling match; one second you’re in a
stranglehold, the next, you’re free. The third option, which I haven’t had to
use, is the fake leg cramp trick. You shout, “Ooh, ooh, ooh, I’ve got a cramp
in my leg, pull it up in a fake spasm and let your knee win your freedom. I may
be too old to be a Boy Scout, but not too old to be prepared.
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