The Old Coot is going to the dogs.
By Merlin Lessler
This is one of those articles that necessitates a warning
label, a “Don’t try this at home kids” kind of thing. Be warned – the following
is not a vetted scientific thesis, it’s the rambling, semi-informed opinion of
an old coot. (Now my lawyer can breathe a sigh of relief)
So, you found a tick on your leg. Panic sets in. LYME
DISEASE! We all know, or have heard of someone who has been stricken by this
mysterious disease, first identified in Lyme, Connecticut (thus the name) when
a cluster of young kids came down with arthritis in 1975. Not all tick bites
get you the bobby prize; it’s a lottery. Maybe it will; maybe it won’t. The
first time you find a tick on yourself you rush to the doctor or a walk-in
clinic, “I found a tick on my leg!” This
is where you have to be prepared. TO LIE! Because, the first thing the doctor
will ask is, “How long was the tick on you?” If you give any indication that is
was attached for less than 24 hours, you’re going to be sent off with a
recommendation to come back for a dose of antibiotics if you develop a bull’s
eye rash or experience flu symptoms. Unfortunately, those two indicators don’t
always show up, yet you still get the disease.
If you are a dog with a tick bite, you get the antibiotic
treatment right away. So I hear. A dog can’t answer the, “How long was it there,”
question; it just wags its tail. The dog doctor mentality is along the lines
of, “What can it hurt; why take a chance? Give the pup the antibiotic.” Not so,
for humans; the protocol is just the opposite. “Let’s take a chance; we don’t
want to overprescribe antibiotics. Studies show that most of the time it takes
24 hours for a tick bite to result in Lyme disease.” MOST OF THE TIME! Ask any
person suffering the long-term debilitating effects of Lyme disease what they
think of a protocol that plays the odds and takes a chance with your wellbeing.
They will say, “I’d rather be treated like a dog!”
Oh, by the way, if you are a dog, you can get a Lyme
disease vaccination. It’s not perfect, only 80% effective, and it requires a
few booster shots. But, if you can’t bark; you can’t get it. (I’m practicing my
dog imitation). The only pharmaceutical company that sold the vaccine pulled it
off the market in 2002. Another company was about to offer it, but decided not
to, because the Lyme vaccine got caught up in the wave of anti-vaccinations that
was churning through society at the time and didn’t want to get entangled in
class action lawsuits. It would cause problems for a pharmaceutical company
today if they offered it.
Us humans are left wishing we could lead a dog’s life. We
don’t get the medical protocol we deserve; we get prevention advice: wear long
pants and tuck them in your socks, put on long-sleeved shirts, wear gloves and
a hat, spray yourself with bug spray containing Deets and check yourself for
ticks whenever you come in from outdoors. Old coots like me, get a real chuckle
about this advice. It sounds as complicated and as uncomfortable as getting
prepared to enter a bio-hazardous area. Check for ticks the size of a poppy
seed? And, do it every time you come in from outdoors? We can’t bend and
stretch or see well enough to do that. And, it’s impossible to hire someone who
can. There’s not a single listing in the yellow pages for tick checkers.
We’ve created bureaucracies in our modern society to
protect us from ourselves, but they don’t always operate with common sense. It
will be years, if ever, before a Lyme disease vaccine is offered again. If
they’d only ask an old coot, any old coot, he’d bark and then tell them what to
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